Wednesday, March 13, 2013

16 weeks

So for someone who said she wasn't ready for children, I'm turning into a total sap. Yesterday we had our third ultrasound and yesterday was the first day I really felt connected to the baby. Probably because the baby really looked like a baby this time. Even more so than at our 12 week ultrasound. We could see the little nose, the little lips. A hand behind its head so that it looked like it was just chilling.

Mother Nature knows what she's doing. I'm so amazed with the human body and all that it can do. My body totally knows what it's supposed to do and what I'm supposed to eat. Throughout this pregnancy so far, I have been craving fruit like nothing else. I've always liked fruit, but now, all I want is pears, apples, oranges, blueberries, mango, pineapple, anything fruit! I've been eating fresh fruit, canned fruit, little fruit cups, and smoothies. Oh and also, so random, but fruity Pop Tarts. Yum.

I have to admit, some might say I'm having the easiest pregnancy ever (knock on wood!). I had no morning sickness whatsoever. My body was tired in the first trimester, but I'm definitely regaining my energy. I have basically been living life like I did before I was pregnant.

After 16 weeks in, I've gained about 1 pound. My weight is definitely shifting (my pants are pretty tight if I don't do the rubber band trick or use my belly band), but I'm not gaining it. I read last night about a woman who gained 80 pounds when she had her children. I'm pretty grateful that that's not me. But at the same time, I'm not trying to not gain weight.

In fact, I feel like this is the first time in my life that seeing the scale go up wouldn't bother me at all. I am eating when I'm hungry, but my body is working hard to grow this little baby!

I felt the baby move for the first time last Tuesday, but I wasn't quite sure that was what I felt. But then, on Saturday, I knew I felt it. There was no question about it.

After the ultrasound today, I couldn't stop looking at the pictures of that little face and smiling. That little face belongs to my little baby that I'm going to meet in August. I seriously can't believe it.

Oh and also, Happy 1st Birthday to my Blog! Last year at this time, I was unemployed and needed a distraction... this year, I have all the distraction I need!


Anonymous said...

Hola Erin!
OMG! How awesome is that! Congratz! A child is truly a blessing! And happy first blogiversary! Have a great day!

~SimplyyMayra :)

k8te said...

happy blogiversary! and so sweet that you got to see your baby's sweet face!

Nadine said...

Oh my goodness! So precious! It's great that you are craving something that is good for you. I know for sure that when I decide to have kids I'll undoubtably crave something totally horrible for me.

Hannah said...

Aw, pregnancy is so beautiful. Congratulations! And happy one year of blogging, too. :)

Jeannette With2Ns said...

New follower! I feel the same way - like I'm so not ready for kids and then will have a melt-your-heart-moment (I'm not pregnant, but I have friends with the cutest kids ever).

Happy one year of blogging!

Emily said...

Congratulations. And hooray to summer babies. We just had another ultrasound at 25 weeks its amazing how much they change. We saw our little one yawn and suck her thumb - I think my heart grew two sizes during that moment.

Lindsay said...

I craved milk (I'd go through two gallons a week!) and string cheese. I suddenly hated chicken but LOVED steak. At least you want healthy stuff.